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Complete. Simple. Intuitive.

Never miss important deadlines and close more transactions with EZCoordinator

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Real Estate Tool Dashboard
EZCOORDINATOR works for brokers, agents, and transaction coordinatorsPut the power to organize transactions, emails, documents, signatures and task management at your fingertips.
Transaction ManagementAccess your transactions, documents, emails, and tasks 24/7.

Get performance and sales reports and review documents for compliance.
Task and Deadline ManagementOur intuitive task and deadline management feature helps you organize, prioritize, and meet your crucial milestones;

Focus on what matters most!
Flexible custom functionsTailor EZCoordinator to fit your unique real estate needs with our powerful customization feature.

Customize task due dates, templates, and settings to match your preferences and workflow, making EZCoordinator truly your own for a personalized and efficient experience
“We really wanted to go paperless and reduce errors...
EZCordinator has done all of that for us and it’s proved more than valuable in closing deals.”
—  Mellisa Z
“EZCoordinator is a great tool to have in my daily client care resource. I coordinate on average 35 closing transactions monthly and EZCoordinator makes the process efficient.”
—  Carolyn Nelson-Dobbs
250K— RE Transactions
2.5M— Documents
8M— Task Added
Essential Real Estate ToolsTrack buyer and seller leads in the CRM. Track property showings and offers in a fast and simple way.
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Real Estate CRM Platform Dashboard
Real Time Management of Prospects and Listings

Real Time Management of Prospects and Listings

Access your transactions, emails, documents and tasks 24/7. Track your tasks and important due dates. Get performance and sales reports and review documents for compliance.See all features

Advanced Features and Functions

Add your custom fields and sections to all the contracts to best suit your needs.
Personalize your task templates to supercharge your day-to-day task tracking on each contract.
Provide more detailed context by adding note in each contract, uploaded document and task.
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Advanced and customizable transaction management dashboard
How it worksSee how EZ Coordinator can help manage your listing
1 — Add new transactionSetting up a new transaction is quick and easy. The first thing you'll do is enter your relevant transaction information (address, agents, buyer/seller, etc...). Next, you can add additional contacts that are related to the transaction such as title, escrow, lenders, etc...
Transaction Details Dashboard
2 — Upload, share, sign your documentsThe drag-and-drop feature allows you to upload the documents, or move them around. Collect e-signatures with DocuSign®, which is directly integrated into the program, and share data in real time with your team, or other appropriate parties.
Real Estate Platform Dashboard
3 — Schedule tasksKeep track of important due dates in each transaction on your calendar. Set up email alerts so you are reminded when as task or critical date is about to expire.
Schedule Tasks Dashboard
Document Review Dashboard
4 — Review documents for complianceReady to close? Review your documents for compliance to make sure everything is in perfect order. You can easily ensure the file is complete, and then close the deal and get paid!
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TestimonalsWhat people say about us
"I have been using EZ coordinator and it has made my business much more organized. The thing I like most about EZ over may of the other platforms is how customized I can make it"
Josh HallKent, WA
"It helps me stay on top of timelines and track tasks and documents in my files. I like the flexibility."
Jeannette JohnsonSan Diego, CA
"In a few words I describe the program as fabulous, easy to use and cutting edge - meaning that the staff at EZ-Coordinator are constantly improving the program by taking suggestions from their customers as to what can be made better and/or more useful to their clients."
Jennifer AshSan Marcos, CA
"I spent two years searching for real estate software that could fit my need for instant access to all the tasks and information. Luckily, I finally stumbled upon EZCoordinator."
Leeza Morrizn/a
"Using EZ Coordinator has really made a difference in the number of deals I can manage at once. It's like a personal assistant that reminds me of what I need to do and handles my transactions for me."
Mark RAustin, TX
"I coordinate on average 35 closing transactions monthly and EZ Coordinator makes the process efficient by helping me track my property data, buyer and seller side information, transaction notes, and my contractual actions and contingencies daily"
Carolyn Nelson-DobbsRougemont, NC
“We really wanted to go paperless and reduce errors...EZCordinator has done all of that for us and it’s proved more than valuable in closing deals.”
Melissa Zn/a
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Get more done with us!Close more transactions in less time.
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Frequently asked questions
— Why do I need EZ Coordinator?
If you're tired of having piles of paper all over your desk or not knowing what folder your documents are stored on your computer.
If you can't keep track of all the emails going back and forth about your transaction.
If you can't access your transaction info when you're away from the office.
If you need all your transaction information, in one location, accessible from anywhere, then you need EZ Coordinator.

We promise that we will make your business easier to run.
— How do I set up a transaction in EZ Coordinator?
Setting up a new transaction is quick and easy. The first thing you'll do is enter your relevant transaction information (address, agents, buyer/seller, etc...).
Next, you can add additional contacts that are related to the transaction such as title, escrow, lenders, etc...
After that you can start uploading your transaction document by emailing them to the system or scanning and uploading them directly from your computer.
Once your documents are in, you can flag them if they are missing information such as signatures, initials, or if you're missing a document.
After that you can set up your task lists, which are completely customizable.
And finally, once your file is complete you can do a broker review. All parties have access to confirm the file is complete.
— Do you have an e-signature option?
Yes we do.

EZ Coordinator premium accounts integrate with DocuSign, the easiest, fastest, most secure way to send, sign, track and store documents in the cloud. It's the global standard for electronic signature.
— Is my data safe and secure with EZ Coordinator?
Your data is always password protected and backed up daily.
And for an extra layer of protection, you can backup your files at any time by saving a copy on your computer. All your data is encrypted and with our permission based roles.

You decide who sees and edits what. Our servers are located in different states for emergency preparedness and back ups. They all mirror data so if one goes down another pops on.
— What is your cancellation policy?
Our software is sold on a month-to-month basis with no long term commitments.
You can cancel at anytime and you can download all your data before cancelling so nothing will be lost.
— Do I need any software to run EZ Coordinator?
No. EZ Coordinator lives in the cloud on our servers. That way you can access EZ Coordinator anywhere you have an internet connection.